Australia Alive has the experience and a network of quality, trustworthy schools.

Increasingly popular as a destination for international students – Australia provides quality education and an unbeatable lifestyle.

Not only do students receive a high class education – but they also are entitled to work (with restrictions).

Australian universities and colleges are regarded to be among top the institutions in the world – offering an unique combination of academic and vocational skills. Australia Alive offer impartial and honest advice – to which course best suits your needs, while being mindful of what is required by the Australian government.

Every major Australian city has registered colleges, TAFE campuses and universities and there is a good choice of courses and subjects to choose from depending on your previous level of study.


Undergraduate courses are an option for HSC graduates or equivalent – usually a Bachelor degree (3yrs). Postgraduate courses offer Master and Doctorate degrees. University studies allow graduates to become qualified and recognised specialists. Employment opportunities open up to those who have degree from any Australian university.

College / TAFE

Provide nationally recongized ceritificates in specific professions. These include: Certificate II (usually 3mths), Certificate III (6 mths), Certificate IV (1yr), Diploma (18-24mths) and Advanced Diploma (2-2.5yrs). Courses can offer work placement and some qualifications will contribute towards applications for permament residency.

Education fees in Australia are competitive and we offer attractive prices on our wide range of educational institutions and courses offered by them. If you cannot afford to pay for all your fees upfront please ask as there are a variety of options.

Please contact us via email or our social media channels. 
Our multilingual consultants will be able to answer your education and immigration related and queries.